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Sadeem Qdaisat

Product GenomiQ
Country Jordan
Rank 1st Place Winner
Sadeem Qdaisat

About the Project

Sadeem took home the top prize in Season 8 with his invention, GenomiQ. The device is all about genetic testing. This type of testing is sometimes required for medical examinations to identify if a person has developed a disease. GenomiQ automates the process of genetic testing, with the ultimate aim of improving testing accuracy, as well as eliminating human error and cross contamination of samples.

The expected results on patient care are enormous. Testing accuracy is improved, while the automation process results in drastically lower costs and increased time efficiency. With GenomiQ closer than ever to production, patients and doctors are looking forward to the prospect of saving lives with better genetic testing.

Sadeem today?

After his Season 8 win, Sadeem came home to an outpouring of support and congratulations in Jordan. He became ‘world famous’ in his hometown. Young and old, everyone seemed to know his name. 

Sadeem joined the University of Florida Brain Tumor Immunotherapy Program to complete his PhD in Genetics and Genomics – Clinical and Translational Science, focusing on developing robust targeted immune-therapeutic treatments against malignant brain tumors, and designing novel messenger RNA directed nano-materials against most common pediatric and adult brain tumors.

GenomiQ today?

Thanks to Sadeem’s drive, GenomiQ is on the path to success. The product is going through a new battery of tests and substantial improvements.

The results garnered at Hamad Medical Corporation and Sidra Medical and Research Center in Qatar propelled him to medical innovation stardom. Sadeem, backed by multiple investors, is inches away from forging deals with top hospitals in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East and North Africa region. 

A true entrepreneur, he re-invested his winnings from Stars of Science into the new and improved GenomiQ device, that is currently going through R&D in Germany and USA.

He did not forget to protect his intellectual property first, filing multiple patent and trademark applications in Qatar and abroad. 

Sadeem has his own way of characterizing his achievements. “Meeting a specified goal is not the only way to measure success. In fact, it limits how we look at innovation. The process, which is equally as important as the outcome, gets overlooked,” he said. “So instead, I see success as overcoming the obstacles that are put in front of us. Success is constant persistence, hard work, and striving.”

Sadeem’s personal reflection

“If I could go back and do Stars of Scienceagain, I’d try to relax more and give myself a few more breaks,” Sadeem says with a laugh. “I’ve never forgotten how valuable it was to have mentors and abundant resources at my fingertips.”

Awards & news 

Sadeem was recently the recipient of the King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein Order for Distinction royal medal, awarded for his contributions to Jordan. During the World Science Forum, King Abduallah honoured Sadeem for excelling as an emerging medical scientist.’s-71st-independence-day

Follow Sadeem

Twitter: sadeem_qdaisat
