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Youcef Fermi

Product Scorpion Venom Safe Milking
Country Algeria
Youcef Fermi

"Regardless of whether I reach the status of the finalist at Stars of Science, the true value lies in the extraordinary opportunity I've had to collaborate with a highly motivated and experienced team."

Project & Impact

Algerian alumnus, Youcef Fermi, was a participant among the Top seven innovators in the Arab world on Season 14 (2022) of Stars of Science.

After earning degrees in Science Engineering and Opto-Electronic Engineering, and completing a PhD in Micro Nano-Electronics in Algeria, Youcef furthered his education at Sorbonne University in France during the pandemic. His innovation, Scorpion Venom Safe Milking, provides a humane method for extracting scorpion venom, a valuable resource in the medical field. The device uses electronic vibrations and moth sounds to induce venom secretion without harming the scorpion. The system can be adapted to various scorpion species based on their preferred type of moth, revolutionizing venom extraction methods. Youcef hopes his invention will become the standard for venom extraction worldwide.

The Aftermath of SoS

Recently Youcef assumed the role of an R&D Engineer at SAIREM, a dynamic and progressive environment. SAIREM is the leader in industrial microwave and radio frequency applications. SAIREM offers solutions for industry, food processing, plasma generation, laboratories, research & development, food & industry. As for his ongoing work with scorpions, he has direct access to the European community specializing in venom research to study and evaluate the quality of the scorpion venom extracted by his device. 

Last update June 2023