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Dr. Mohamed Nassar
Expertise Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the American University of Beirut

To be a star, take the risk, and accept the world's randomness. Innovation emerges, non-linear, noisy, and beautiful.
Mohamed Nassar is assistant professor of computer science at the
American University of Beirut (AUB) since 2016. Before joining AUB, he
was a Post Doc fellow at the department of computer science and engineering
at Qatar University. Mohamed Nassar received his research master’s degree
(DEA) in computer science in 2005 and the Ph.D. degree in 2009, both from
Nancy University (currently Lorraine University), France. He worked as an
expert research engineer at INRIA Nancy (2009-2010) and Ericsson, Ireland
(2011). His current research interests are cybersecurity, machine learning, and
their intersection.