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Dr. Victor A. Khachan

With a Ph.D. in collective vocal behavior and 23 seasoned years of teaching at the Lebanese American University, Victor Khachan is shifting the theories of voice and communication into the arena of voice training and public speaking. As an applied linguist, Victor is on a mission to blend the physical and emotional aspects of interpersonal communication, fusing the value of the message with the mutual transformation of speakers and audience. Victor’s work and training interests stretch across Vocal Identity, Voice Projection, Debate, Argumentation and Persuasion.
Joining the human forces of Stars of Science has been a professionally transformational experience. Prepping young Arab scientists to publicly share their innovative ideas with a matching momentum of accuracy and energy is a source of joy to me. Nothing is more rewarding than witnessing overwhelmed and anxious young scientists mature by leaps and bounds, crossing freely into confidence, devotion, passion and knowledge. I am so fortunate to have contributed to Stars of Science, a moment of truth the Arab world will stand witness to for years to come.