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Eng. Rami Nassouh

Expertise Electrical Engineer - Robotics Control
Persistence is key to achieve great success


Rami Nassouh an Electrical Engineer, after receiving a bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering - Industrial Information Technology from Lebanon and a bachelor degree in Intelligent Instrumentation and networking from Montpelier France, Rami continued his Masters at the University of Balamand and graduated in 2008 with a Master degree in Electrical Engineering - Robotics and Control.

For 4 years after graduating, Rami worked on industrial automation projects and machinery in Lebanon and the Arab world. Early 2011 Rami joined SOS season 3 for the first time, and kept joining SOS team since then. Late 2011 Rami started his own company and online shop CNC LAB specializing in open source hardware and focusing on the academic field and product prototyping.


Stars of Science became more than a life experience for me, it became part of who I am today for I made so much memories, experience and friends being part of SOS team.

All the happy moments and the hard ones, all the candidates I met through the last 7 years, all the hard work with the awesome SOS team, all of this really shaped me in a very positive way.

I am proud to be part of such a magnificent successful project and it amazes me that with every new season the experience feels more and more exciting. I get to meet new innovate Arabs, work with the awesome SOS team again and best of all I get to challenge and push myself to new limits.