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M.Sc. Roy Gilsing

Expertise Industrial Design Engineer, Product Designer & CAD Modeler
An Industrial Designer must be intrigued by how things work, enjoy putting things together, and not be intimidated by the need to generate alternate solutions to complex problems.


Even as a young boy, Roy was drawn to science fiction, as a source of boundless technical possibilities. Letting his imagination run free, he has always expressed his ideas in sketches but eventually followed his urge to refine these images and turn them into plans. This led Roy to study Industrial Design Engineering at the Technical University of Delft, where he received his Masters of Science (cum laude). In 2008 Roy chose to pursue his creative freedom and launch his own firm, through which he continues to define his personal vision of design.


Being involved in the Stars of Science journey from the first season, it has given me an enormous pride and joy in co-operating with creative young people who come to the show with challenging new ideas.