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M.Sc. Yoeri Nagtegaal

Expertise Product Design Engineer
If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off, and try again.


At a young age Yoeri Nagtegaal was taking apart his parents household appliances and consumer electronics to figure out how they worked and were constructed. His love for products and the engineering behind them led him to study Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University in the Netherlands, where he graduated with honors in 2007 on the design of an energy efficient and more comfortable alternative to the conventional air conditioning. Pursuing his entrepreneurial spirit, Yoeri set about bringing his invention to the market for which he launched the company Evening Breeze, where he has been responsible for Product Development and Design for more than 8 years. In this position Yoeri gained international experience setting up production in China, where he spent most of his time from 2008 till 2011 working on product development and quality control.

In 2011 Yoeri founded design studio NACHTSMID. Within NACHTSMID he has the freedom to take on a broad range of projects from intelligent sensors for cattle to practical PV systems. With a love for contemporary Scandinavian and Japanese design, Yoeri strives to create functional products with a personal aesthetical appeal. He believes durability and lasting value are the answer to short-sighted consumerism.

Next to running NACHTSMID, Yoeri teaches at the Industrial Design faculty of Delft University of Technology.


Working with Stars of Science on the most diverse projects with such talented and passionate people gives me a thrill every time!