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Prof. Azzam Mourad

Expertise Professor at the Lebanese American University
Collaboration and Knowledge Fusion are Key Factors for Sustainable Success.

Prof. Azzam Mourad received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Concordia University, Canada (2008) and M.Sc. in Computer Science from Laval University, Canada (2003). He is currently an associate professor of computer science with the Lebanese American University and an affiliate/adjunct associate professor with the Software and Information Technology Engineering Department, Ecole de Technologie Superieure (ETS), Montreal, Canada. He published more than 100 papers in top tier international books, journals and conferences on Security, Network and Service Optimization and Management targeting IoT, Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing, Vehicular and Mobile Networks, and Federated Learning. Prof. Mourad won few research excellence awards and attracted large number of International grants for funding research projects and more than 30 PostDocs and Ph.D./M.Sc. Students at the Lebanese American University (LAU), Concordia University (Canada) and ETS Montreal (Canada). He is an IEEE senior member. He has served/serves as an associate editor for IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management, IEEE Network, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, IET Quantum Communication, and IEEE Communications Letters. He has also served/serves as the General Chair of IWCMC2020, General Co-Chair of WiMob2016, and Track Chair, TPC member, and reviewer for several prestigious journals and conferences.