Success Stories

Alumni are the backbone of Stars of Science. Each of their journeys throughout the years has inspired young Arab men and women across the world, kick-started products that are now available on the market and restored many people's faith in the ability of young Arab minds to compete worldwide in science, technology, engineering and maths. Here are their stories, both while on the show and after they completed their Stars of Science experience and went on to implement their ideas in the real world.

Haitham Dasoky

Season 3

Hashim Al-Sada

2009 Season 1

Hassan Albalawi

2015 Season 7 3rd Place Winner

Hazem Khaled

2015 Season 7

Hekmat Alrouh

2012 Season 4

Hind Hobeika

2010 Season 2 3rd Place Winner

Husam Al-Hennawi

2015 Season 7

Husam Sameer

2019 Season 11

Imadeddine Azzouz

2019 Season 11
